I haven't enjoyed a game in a WTF way this much since Envirobear 2010. The game's on Pc/Mac/Linux/iOS/Android & possibly a joke but the homepage makes mention of a C=64 version coming. Apparently Mcpixel love to kick people in the crotch, oh and urinate too. If it's a person, you kick them in the crotch. I watched a video review and was somewhat intrigued but mostly confused. If there's an object he can interact with, it happens and you have no control over it. I dont know how the hell I even stumbled upon this game, but I did. And Controls are simple, click where you want Mcpixel to go. forum McPixel is a save-the-day guy that you guide through short challenges in an oldschool point'n'click fashion. Graphics and sound are totally 80's vintage. There's no back story, you just have to rid the level of the bomb. Needless to say when I did end up beating up I had a good laugh. I played the volcano level about 10 times before I figured it out. I've found myself laughing at the absurdness of some of the solutions and the methods that lead to you blowing up and losing. There's no real instructions, but I think if you reply them and find all the gags something happens. You can also replay levels to try different solutions that don't work to see gags. I can say on about half the level I though "oh I know what to do here!" when it started, I ended up being completely wrong. You'll basically be replying levels bunches of times trying random shit until you happen to find out the solution. If they do include him, they could use moves based on FNaF World and the main games like Pizza Wheel (acts like a saw blade and follows along the platform until it goes off the edge), Mic Toss, his jumpscare (an attack that requires charging and plays the Toreador March as a sound effect, while doing so, which stuns enemies temporarily (the longer it's charged. Unless you just get lucky or have some sort of weird rainman type powers. After beating a level you won't look back like "ohhh I see!" it's more of a "uh wow that was random" To go along with the lack of logic if you make a wrong choice, even if you have 15 seconds left the bomb blows up and you lose. It's totally random shit mostly void of any sort of logic, with only 1 way to actually beat the level. I've completed only about 10, but so far all I can say is not a single of the solutions made sense to me. The basic premise is tiny levels where you have 20 seconds to keep the bomb from blowing up. It's a point and click puzzle game, with puzzles that generally don't make a bit of sense. It looks like it could have been a C=64 game 25 years ago. The latest Humble Weekly Bundle features games chosen by YouTube personality PewDiePie including Botanicula (available for Mac, Windows, Linux), McPixel.

I don't know how the hell I even stumbled upon this game, but I did.